Sources and Further Reading


Armadel. Les vrais clavicules du Roy Salomon. 1770. Tufts University, Medford. Tisch Special Collections ; BF1602 .C53 1770.
Leo III, et al. Enchiridion Leonis Papae serenissimo imperatori Carolo Magno in munus pretiosum datum : nuperrime mendis omnibus purgatum. [s.n.], 1810. Tufts University, Medford. Tisch Special Collections ; BF1600 .E5 1810.

Davies, Owen. Grimoires: A history of magic books. Oxford University Press, 2009.

Tufts University MS 44: [Grimoire]. Les vrais Clavicules du Roy Salomon par Armadel (The True Keys of Solomon). France, c.1775-1776(?).

Further Reading: 

Davies, Owen. "Print Grimoires and the Democratization of Learned Magic in the Later Early Modern Period: Bricolage Tradition and the Cross-Cultural Transmission of Knowledge." Entangled Religions, 2023.

Davies, Owen. Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration, and the Power of Imagination, Aries Book Series, vol. 30, 2021. 

Lecouteux, Claude. The Book of Grimoires: The Secret Grammar of Magic. Simon and Schuster, 2013.

Mathiesen, R. “The Key of Salomon: Toward a Typology of the Manuscripts,” Societas Magica Newsletter 17 (2007), pp. 1, 3-9,

Sources and Further Reading