Circles and Rings of Les Vrais Clavicules
The end of the grimoire Les Vrais Clavicules features large illustrations prominently. Image 1 shows two circles used to enclose pentacles, and Image 2 features the first of twelve illustrations of rings that can be used to enclose spirits that one summons, along with accompanying instruction. For this particular ring, the book instructs the user to perform their spell during the third abode of the moon. One must use a special stone called "the Zule" and engrave it with the figure shown on the page. Then, in the concavity of the stone, the word "Dalet," written on virgin parchment with the blood of a white dove and perfumed with aloe wood, must be enclosed. This set of instructions is similar in kind and level of detail to that of the other eleven rings. Precise and lengthy instruction with illustration is typical of this text. This kind of description is occaisionally present in Enchiridion, but is less typical.