Pentacles of Enchiridion
There are only 6 pentacle illustrations in the grimoire Enchiridion, two of which are identical to each other. This is far fewer than the plethora contained in Les Vrais Clavicules. Enchiridion's pentacles are all printed with the book, not drawn in, and are thus different in style than those in the manuscript. This means they typically have more uniform and simple designs. They are dotted throughout the text sometimes without clear connection to the section of the text where they reside. They sometimes accompany prayers or chants but are also included in the introduction and non-magical contexts.
No instruction is provided pertaining to the time to draw these pentacles or other ingredients in a spell. The most detailed instructions read "paroles qu'il faut dire avant que de faire le Pentacle, dont on voit la figure," which translates to "words that must be said before making the Pentacle, the figure of which can be seen." While at least some of them do appear to be designed for practical use, their accessibility may have been limited to people who already felt confident in the art of pentacle use, as they provide little instruction, particularly compared to that of Les Vrais Clavicules.