The Grimoires' Pentacles
Pentacles are designs or talismans used in magical spells, which, though often depicted as five-pointed stars, can appear in many different forms and materials. Pentacles form an integral part of magic for Les Vrais Clavicules. In order to perform the most perfect of magics, one needs to be able to draw pentacles and know how and when to use them. Thus, the manuscript provides extensive illustration on how the reader can draw and use pentacles.
While pentacles are present in Enchiridion, they do not form such a foundational part of magic. Chanted prayers and the words of biblical figures appear to be far more central. The pentacles of this book are also in many ways less accessible than those of the manuscript; their printed nature makes it difficult to know how they should or could be drawn, and they are often accompanied with little or no description or instruction. Some of them appear to work more as decoration than as real magical tools.