Physical features


Marginalia and proof of quarto printing on page 11.

In this picture, the B2 printing mark at the bottom implies quarto printing. The numbers stop at eight and there is a new letter every 8 eight pages, evidence of a new quarto. The numbers repeat themselves with every new letter. Usually one uses the leaves on the gathering to determine the print, but it is impossible to see those in this book. However, these printer marks make it clear that the book is printed in quarto.

In addition to the printer marks, there is some interesting marginalia, mostly underlines, bracketing of text and small comments on the book’s content. The marginalia implies that a student or a thoughtful reader possessed the book at one point. 


The descending "s" on page 135.

On page 135 of Rights of Man, there are a few good examples of the descending "s". The descending "s", which looks like an f, can be seen in the words "person", "set", "foolish", and "establishment". The descending "s" was used at the beginning or middle of words instead of the "s" commonly used today, called the terminal "s". The terminal "s" was still used at the end of words in this book. This was common practice at the time and was used in cursive as well.     

Physical features