
Primary Sources

Johnson, Samuel. A dictionary of the English language. London: Strahan, 1755. Print.

Find Digital Copy of a 6th Addition of Johnson's Dictionary here

Secondary Sources

Online Library of Liberty. "Letters of David Hume to William Strahan" 2004. 

Bate, Walter Jackson. The achievement of Samuel Johnson. University of Chicago Press, 1979. 

DeMaria, Robert, Jr. "Introduction: The Dictionary as Literature." Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, edited by Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau, vol. 128, Gale, 2007. Literature Resource. Originally published in Johnson's Dictionary and the Language of Learning, University of North Carolina Press, 1986, pp. 3-37. 

Dictionary of the English Language."  Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, edited by Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau, vol. 128, Gale, 2007. Literature Resource Center

Greene, Donald. "The Student of Language and Literature: Lexicographer and Critic." Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, edited by Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau, vol. 128, Gale, 2007. Literature Resource Center

Horace, The Epistles. translated by A. S. Kline. Poetry in Translation. 2005. 

