This page is the third page that holds the actual subject matter of the book, which is a series of prints of different sites in Venice, Italy. This page has a thick, uniform margin around the print. This print illustrates the “Chiesa Del Redentore…
This page is the fifteenth page that holds the actual subject matter of the book, which is a series of prints of different sites in Venice, Italy. This page has a thick, uniform margin around the print. This print illustrates the “Chiesa Di S. Maria…
This page is the first page that holds the actual subject matter of the book, which is a series of prints of different sites in Venice, Italy. This page has a thick, uniform margin around the print. This print illustrates the “Veduta Della Chiesa…
Kilian. Battle Scene. Extra-large page, folded. Signs of slight wear. Short caption. Ulysses: dass ist, allerhand Begebenheiten, welche sich zugetragen in der griechischen Ruck-Reiss oder Heimbfarth Ulissis nach der Zerstörung der Statt Troja: durch…
Image of the title page and inside cover with marbling decoration. Handwriting on the upper right-hand portion of the page. Title page text framed by illustration. Ulysses: dass ist, allerhand Begebenheiten, welche sich zugetragen in der griechischen…
Ulysses kisses Athena's feet. Short caption. Ulysses: dass ist, allerhand Begebenheiten, welche sich zugetragen in der griechischen Ruck-Reiss oder Heimbfarth Ulissis nach der Zerstörung der Statt Troja: durch den Welt-berühmten Mahler Sieur Nicola…