This page is a pastedown page that provides information about the owners of the book. There is a sticker in the center of the page which consists of a logo covering the majority of it and in the remaining space on the bottom, the name Joseph Neeld is…
Naaukeurige beschryving der uitwendige godtsdienst-plichten, tempelzeden en gewoontens der afgodische volkeren: vervat in eenige historische verhandelingen en door verscheiden aanmerkingen opgeheldert, en in kunstige tafereelen vertoont.
Engraved image of the catafalque for Sitti Maani funeral, foldout page between pages 16-17. The Tisch Library copy of the funerary pamphlet is missing this page.
This page is the Title Page of the Early Printed Book, "Le Fabriche, E Vedute Di Venetia." This page has a uniform thick margin around a rectangular box, which is placed in the center of the page. In this box, the title of the book is written in…