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A leaf from a 14th Century commentary on Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics", author unknown, from a portfolio compiled by Otto F. Ege, Original Leaves from Famous Books, Eight Centuries: 1240 A.D. - 1923 A.D.

Tisch Library acknowledges the…

Leaf from a fifteenth century French Book of Hours
Recto contains 15 handwritten short-lines in brown and red ink on vellum; illuminated initials and a large hand-drawn floral motif in the right margin. Verso contains 15 handwritten short-lines in brown and red ink with illuminated…

Contemporary decorated brown calf binding stamped with a crucifixion scene at center, with the word MEDICA (medicine) above and the name GEOR(G) SCHEL(L) below. Clasp fastenings, but lacking clasps.

Title page. Printed in Strasbourg with imperial privilege

Handwritten notes in Latin at front and back of volume. Front notes are taken from the book of French surgeon Ambroise Paré. Back notes list medicinal recipes.

Boat-top garden.jpg
Photos of house-boats taken during a vacation to Amsterdam

Tacuinum Sanitatis was originally written in the 11th century in Arabic by physician Ibn Buṭlān as a collection of health remedies. The work was alter translated into Latin and widely used. This page focuses on Garlic, and its health benefits and…

This page describes Rose water. It describes its nature, uses, harm, remedies for harm, effects and the time when using rose water is most effective. This description can be found bellow the image. The image portrays the creation of rose water…

Tacuinum Sanitatis. Folio 52.v

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