HomeHistory of the Book

History of the Book

Students in HIST 96: History of the Book, closely examine content, provenance, and physical evidence embodied in rare books in Tisch Library Special Collections. Working with Professor Alisha Rankin and Curator of Rare Books Christopher Barbour, they have opened the covers of dozens of books for a wider audience via the web, while exploring the circulation of ideas in books from the Middle Ages through the 19th Century, in codex, pamphlet, and early printed book.


Ann Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho (1795)

David Ramsay's The History of the American Revolution (1789)

Anatomical Tables of the Human Body by William Cheselden (1796)

Some Considerations Touching the Usefullnesse of Experimental Naturall Philosophy by Robert Boyle (1663)

A Guide to Health, Beauty, Riches, and Honour by Francis Grose (1783) 

An Authentic Account of an Embassay from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China by Sir George Leonard Staunton (1799)

The Medici Aesop: a facsimile of NYPL MS Spencer 50 (15th C. CE)