Browse Items (15 total)

A photo showing the contents of a pharmacist's bag as part of a photo series commissioned by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) on refugees and the objects they take with them on their when they flee their homes called "What's In My Bag?"

A photo showing the contents of a child's bag as part of a photo series commissioned by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) on refugees and the objects they take with them on their when they flee their homes called "What's In My Bag?"

declaration-commune-fr-uk (2).pdf
Bien avant qu’un mur ou une barrière puisse empêcher, protéger, ou symboliser quoi qu’il soit, il doit être imaginé, conceptualisé et mis en oeuvre. Les murs ne surgissent pas de nul part. Dans notre société bureaucratique, il y a tout un processus…

A photo critique of migration that is a composite of two images of luggage bags, one containing a human and the other being very high-end, and text from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on freedom of movement. The photo is part of a larger…
Commissioned for Who Are We? Project, presented at Tate Exchange

Citizenshop is an interactive travelling installation which explores the multidimensional means of citizenship in a neoliberal world. It opposes the neoliberal concept of the…
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